Thursday morning we had an exciting change to our daily schedule; we watched a lumbar puncture and saw right up close (I'm not shy, I get right in there) as the doctor collected a sample of cerebral spinal fluid! It was amazing, such an exciting experience!
Thursday afternoon we were allowed to observe in the operating room! We arrived around 1:45 and sat in on pancreatic surgery. The patient had advanced pancreatic cancer and the surgery was removing a tumor from the pancreas and reconnecting important duct work from the pancreas to the small intestine. It was unbelievable! I was also very fortunate to get the chance to speak with the surgeon during the procedure, we spoke about the organ locations and functions as well as the blood supply and the method of reconnecting the pancreatic duct to the duodenum, all while he was pointing it out to me. I also spoke with the anesthesiologist and he gave me a quick crash course on anesthesiology. They were both so nice :). I also have a new appreciation for surgeons and their ability to STAND. This surgery began at 9 o'clock in the morning and by the time we left at 5:15 pm it was still going. My feet were in so much pain after standing for only 3 hours. Muscle ache #1, so worth it.
Right after I left surgery, I met up with Yano san and other members of the Fureai Center at a nearby gym to play badminton! It was great, we rented half of a gym, set up three courts and played some informal games. Oh how I missed badminton, I had the best time! Some of the staff were really excellent players too! I pushed myself a little bit too hard and I'm really feeling the pain two days later. I can barely type this blog because all the muscles in my right hand, arm and shoulder are so sore! Muscle aches #2; self-inflicted caused by over-competitiveness. I wouldn't say no to an onsen right about now...
Friday morning marked the end of 3 weeks volunteering on the East 6 Floor. I can't believe the time has gone by so quickly! I really did have an amazing time working with so many wonderful people, I'm going to miss them. I left a handful of little Canadian pins that some of the nurses and care workers pinned to their name tags. Watanabe san, the head nurse, also bought us lunch (perfect timing too, neither Sam nor I brought any that day). She's so wonderful. I'll be sure to go back and visit while I'm here. Muscle ache #3: my sad heart.
East 6 Floor Nursing Staff :) |
Myself, Watanabe san and Samantha |
Also, more pictures from Iizuka! Samantha and I went for another exploring bike ride Friday afternoon. This place is so lovely, I'm really loving the mountains.
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