Thursday, May 16, 2013

The happiest girl in the whole wide world!

[If you don't recognize the quote from today's title....go watch "Clifford" starring Martin Short right now...even before you read this entry......seriously, watch it]

I have just become the worlds happiest woman (Guinness, did you get that?)!!! I received a special something in the mail today: a care package from my parental units all the way in Toronto! It left Toronto April 12th and arrived in Iizuka May 16th (yikes!), but it was SO WORTH THE WAIT!

YESSSSS, IT'S HERE! And the size will fool ya, she was dense! It's a good thing I figured out how to ride a bike that was very front heavy or else the short ride home would have been a long and confusing balancing act.

This is what I call beauty. I also find it absolutely necessary to list the contents of the package...sorrynotsorry.

- Not one, but TWO tubs of President's choice "Just Peanuts" peanut butter. (I joked before opening it that my parents should send another jar right away so that it arrives before I finish this one - seems they know me only too well!)
- Maple candies (for the staff - how thoughtful!)
- Bulgar and Quinoa mix, love it!
- Laura Secord French mint chocolate bars (oh em geee)
- A card from my parents (tear jerker)
- Sudoku clippings from the 24 newspaper, I miss playing every day against my mom
- Bulk barn corn chips with flax seeds, sour keys and sour jujubes (my FAV)
- A red lantern with batteries, I already really enjoy it despite it being a little bit on the random side.
- A Canadian necktie
- Tampies and waxing strips (absolutely impossible to find in Japan, who knew!?)

I am now sitting under the soft glow of the lantern playing Sudoku and eating peanut butter out of the jar.

Life. Is. Good.

Oh, and not trying to over do it on the coolness scale here (the cocky attitude comes with the peanut butter overdose), but last night I observed open heart surgery at only inches away. It was definitely a surreal experience watching a human heart beat. 

A very special and heart filled thank you goes to my amazing parents, Patrick and Lynda. You two make my world. I am so very lucky to call you two my parents, my teachers and my best friends. I wish that everyone in the world can have parents as thoughtful, loving and incredible as you two and that one day I can be the same to my children as you are to me.

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