Today was my last day volunteering with the team from the Hospital's 7th floor North wing, or the "N7" as I like to call it. So last night, I thought I'd set aside some time to make a little something for the staff members in return for their kindness (okay...really it was their patience and perseverance I was thankful for) towards me for the two weeks I worked there. If my dad were here, he'd surely tell them "Thanks for putting up with my daughter". However, in his absence, I settled on a culinary way of thanks: cake. Cake has this funny way of always messing up. But still....she persists, and always decides to make cake. This weeks attempt was only semi successful as the chocolate dip portion of the cake making process was a complete disaster (who knew melted chocolate can be over melted and it turn into a clumpy, not so yummy, not so melty chocolatey mess?). Anyways, I managed to save face with some serious redesigning of the project, remodeling and quite a bit of creativity. The outcome was a success of epic proportions if I do say so myself (if only I'd taken a "before" picture!).
I also took the chance to put my artistic self to the test in designing these crazy thank you cards for Nakano san and Nishimura san. They are the nurse aids that I've been working with these past weeks. They call themselves my mammas (big mamma and chibi mamma) and are an absolute laugh to work with (especially when trying to teach them the correct pronunciation of the English alphabet, particular difficulty with "f", "v" and "w"). The other day they caught me drawing in my notebook (oops! - I was studying Japanese, I swear!) and really liked my random doodles, so I made them personalized full page doodles as a thank you gift.
This week concluded with another trip to the operating room for a "kengaku"; study by observation. I'm beginning to recognize faces and become more friendly with staff and they're catching on to how excited I am to watch surgery. Today I walked from room to room to see what interesting and exciting things were happening. I'd just missed a mitral valve replacement, but caught them closing the chest cavity (I also enforced a "call Olivia when the next mitral valve replacement comes in" rule). I saw a portion of a liver surgery when I'd opted to watch a hip replacement in the neighboring room instead.! Ahh I can't help it but allow orthopedic surgeries to trump the other ones, they're definitely some of the coolest surgeries to watch.
For dinner, Yano san wanted Ken and me to join him at his favourite restaurant, Yoshimura's. Even better was that he was happy to treat us after I'd gracefully declined ("I can't, I broke. Golden Week took all my money") saying that Ken and I are so young and we need to eat more. It's interesting how telling people I don't have any money ends up getting me free stuff. After many hours contemplating (and soul searching), I've convinced myself it's wrong to use this tactic for the remainder of my life...
This weekend's forecast calls for sleep with little to no spending of the money that I don't have. I'm officially hibernating until Monday.
Mata ne!
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