This weekend, myself, Ken and a hand full of hospital staff members lead by oral surgeon Nakamatsu sensei laced up our hiking boots ready to tackle Mimata yama, a 1745m tall beasty of a mountain in Oita prefecture.

The trip started early Saturday morning at 7 am with our bags full of snacks, sports drinks and hiking gear. I may or may not have slept the whole way there in the car. What? Nakamatsu sensei played the most lullaby-ish classical music ever...I couldn`t help it! As soon as we arrived at the hotel at the base of the mountain, we started our climb, no time to check in! The climb itself, from a total mountain climbing nooby perspective, wasn't so bad. It had it's rough patches that felt like a 90 degree incline, but most of the trip upwards caused only my entire lower body to feel like it was on fire.

After a few short water breaks, we made it to the top of the mountain after roughly 3.5 hours of climbing. Actually, we made it to the "top", where Nakamatsu sensei decided we would stop because a few members of the group were tired. But Ken and I couldn't be stopped! We continued up for another 25 minutes to make it to the peak of the mountain while the others rested and enjoyed lunch. We're a little too legit to quit. Besides, when will I be back in Oita to climb Mount Mimata, amiright?

The hotel sported a wonderful outdoor onsen that we took full advantage of after our decent back down the mountain. My wobbly and sore muscles couldn't have been happier. After the onsen, I ate one of the most amazing Japanese meals since arriving here. We were all dressed in yukata and we enjoyed a traditional style Japanese meal together. The food seemed to just keep coming! That's the thing with Japanese food...there will always....
always be more. I somehow keep forgetting this and fill myself before the entire meal is even served!

After dinner, we were fortunate enough to listen to a live concert composed of Nakamatsu sensei on the piano, Tamura san on violin and Ken on guitar. They rocked it! They played a variety of songs, each being equally amazing as the one before. I really and truly enjoyed hearing the violin live, it was an absolute pleasure. It also made me feel like I was missing something in life because I don't play an instrument. Thanks for the inspiration to take lessons when I'm home guys! :)
Sunday morning we went for a walk around Oike park and took in some excellent nature sights including this lovely waterfall! I wanted to swim, but after feeling the icy temperatures I opted for just up to the ankles. :)
I left Oita with a (ridiculously) full stomach, jello legs and a serious new appreciation for the violin. I had a weekend I am not soon going to forget. Best memory: After listening to Nakamatsu sensei playing piano like a
boss, (including him playing our requests of Harry Potter, Josh Groban and various other songs
without any sheet music) and after he pointed out various stars to me and simply demonstrating his knowledge of all the things I asked him "Seriously Nakamatsu there anything you
don't know?!" To which he replied, after a little consideration: "...Swahili."
ALSO - this just in! A HUUUUUUUGE thing has happened! The other day, I made a trip to TRIAL, the love of my life (which I actually haven't seen for weeks, oops) and it has COMPLETELY CHANGED! They've renovated the entire place and it's barely recognizable anymore! They now have a lovely bakery section (danger, DANGER - pizza slices for a dollar and WHOLE WHEAT BREAD, revelation) and a
huuuuuge freezer section as well (can you say cheap matcha green ice
Häagen-Dazs icecream will be the death of me?). And I was
JUST about to make a video blog about all of the wonderful things that is Trial...annnnnnnd now I can't because I don't know where anything is anymore. It also just isn't the same's changed and I don't know if we'll be able to get through this.
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