Friday, August 9, 2013

My Japanese culture-filled weekend

It's happened again, I get to a blog about the weekend when it is now the next weekend! Bah, the life of a busy volunteer! Sorrrryyyyy. This blog entry will be a fun one - videos!

Iizuka Hanabi - Fireworks festival!
Friday August 2nd was the fireworks festival in Iizuka along the Onga River. I went, in yukata of course, and the works totally blew me away! They were incredible! Take a look here at a few videos I took. :D
Notice: my sounds of shock and amazement. haha.


 Saturday morning I had the chance to experience another wonderful aspect of Japanese culture; a somen noodle festival! At the festival at a nearby shrine in Iizuka, we picked up and ate cold somen noodles directly from a long tube made from bamboo that ran about 30 feet! They gave us sauce and wasabi and ginger to dip our noodles in and it was all you can eat (well, with some restriction I suppose) for 60 yen (~60 cents!) Unbelievable. And delicious!
Check out my video, the place was packed! They even had pink noodles, just for fun!

More pictures just for fun:
Look at the rice field outside my house go! Go rice goooo!!! :) :)

Also - whhattssss up? Just treated myself to this unbelievable flavour of haaden-dazs icecream. My question is...WHY don't we have this flavour in Canada?


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