Thursday, August 29, 2013

Typhoon rolls in to steal the show

Alright Mr. Typhoon, Typhoon san, I've got some things that you absolutely need to hear...

How dare you rush in today, like all typhoons do, and rain on my going away/leaving party final weekend in Japan? Who do you think you are? I had plans tomorrow night to attend a summer garden party with over 600 people, including president CEO, ASO kaicho. I was then going to go to a HCU farewell party at a local pub followed by an amazing Saturday at Fukuoka beach and Fukuoka Tower.
Alas, the typhoon has spoken and all of the things have been cancelled due to the impending rainy/windy doom.

I'm wondering if my flight from Fukuoka will be cancelled, causing me to miss my flight home to Toronto from Tokyo, overstay my VISA and be imprisoned in a Japanese jail as an illegal immigrant. Wouldn't that be a story!

Let's think of Olivia and her leaving plans for one minute and decide not to hit Fukuoka city, okay??
Typhoons are so selfish!

Update re video of my JR trip: after spending 17 hours (probably not exaggerating) slicing, piecing, cutting and editing, the video remains unable to save on my wonderful thing that is a laptop and I can't put it up online. (どうして!?)
I'm going to try again with Ken's mac and see if I have any luck. Sorry!

Eeeps! Back to packing now.
To give this aesthetically unpleasing blog entry some flare: my packing song of choice. On repeat.

Hoowwwwwwww stronggggg does the typhoon blow?

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