Monday June 10th marked my first day on a new ward, oncology and chemotherapy. At first, I thought I'd have to put away my dancing shoes for the next two weeks and throw on my serious face considering the ward. But I was mistaken. I've already had a great experience watching a picture slide show with music of a patients trip with his wife. This patient had previously had a laryngectomy and his voice box was removed, so he can't speak. Never the less he gestured like crazy and wrote things out for me, he was marvelous. He also calls the nurses by clapping, which I think is rather cute. I also had a chance to listen to him speaking Japanese with the use of an electrolarynx, pretty interesting. I've also had a few fun dance offs with a female patient, she's all about having a good time. :) The nurse aids, Aoyagi san, Kawakami san and Takahashi san are great! They speak really fast though! I don't even understand what on earth they're talking about! We just laugh it off and try gesturing some more. If it's still a no, I just follow them and they show me, or, we look it up in my mini dictionary.
I also forgot to mention! June 8th....3 months into my trip. 3 months in Japan. 3 months left in Japan. My trip is now working towards its conclusion. I can't believe it. Here's to making it last and making it even more unforgettable.
The group :) Tsukahara sensei in white at the head of the table.
Worth mentioning: the name of the man sitting to the left of me is Yu. I never get tired of "Hey Yu!" or "It's Yu!". He thinks it's funny....I think.
We will miss you Tsukahara sensei!
Maybe I'll get to visit you in Okinawa before I leave Japan! ;)
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