Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Just some things...

Here is a list of things:

1. Training for a relay marathon (that is now only 4 days away) at 7am in 30 degree weather with 97% humidity doesn't really make me happy. It makes me sweaty. This morning as I ran past a nearby school, a whole bunch of girls ran up to the fence and as I went by screamed "good morningggggggg!!!" while waving.

2. I sense a serious decline in the excitement of my morning meals as the second of two peanut butter jars comes to it's bitter end. We gather here today...

3. Iizuka is in for a rough ride this weekend apparently. Typhooooooooon. Hold on to your hats ladies and gentlemen, we're in for a ride. I'm mostly excited.

4. In Japanese, the "ring finger" is called the "kusuri yubi"....the medicine finger. Apparently named because it is the finger used to apply medicines like lip balm. But what came first..the name of the finger or the medicine of which it applies? hmmmmm.....I've found my replacement question for "What came first, the chicken or the egg?"

5. Current run goal standing at 43/100 runs. This including a 4km run on Sunday. Comparing with my (REALLY) lazy and weak self only 2 months ago I'd say dat durr is pretty darn impressive!

6. My mother's convocation ceremony (that's right, she just finished her undergraduate degree at the age of.....29.) is today! She's amazing, you rock mom, so proud of you! I'll be watching it on live broadcast tonight at starting 12:30am Japan time (and she's a Shea, I'll be waiting forever through the alphabet!) because I'm the coolest daughter on the planet....also because she promised to wave to me. I can certainly sacrifice sleep for that.

7. My computer charger decided it wanted to call it quits - apparently it's had enough of working for me and wanted a job with a better benefits package. As luck would have it - Samantha's laptop cord works just fine and will serve as a temp until my ordered one arrives. Showed you old laptop charger. No more wiggling the cord until it fits just right for me, have that - one, nill!

8. This weekend I'm going to watch the Great Gatsby with Tahira sensei, one of the anesthesiologists I've met while observing surgery. Now do we go Japanese with English subtitles...or English with Japanese subtitles...? Either way I've decided we're doing this one first date style. P.s she's a woman and looked a little confused when I said "Okay it's a date. Dinner and a movie."

9. When my sister sent me a package from Canada (amaziiiingggg p.s everyone loves the maple tea!) it was accidentally sent to the wrong address! Lucky enough that the man who received it speaks English and was nice enough to walk it over and give it to me directly. It get's weirder...he works at the Iizuka hospital too! Turns out he's a doctor on the new ward I started just this Monday....I saw him at work less than a day after he dropped of my package that was sent to him instead of me...divine intervention? P.s a few patients have already insisted that I marry a Japanese doctor and that our mixed race child would be adorable.

9. Rice fields outside my house are beautiful. The sounds that the frogs gathered there make at night is certainly something worth listening to. It's like they're singing me to sleep and loving it.

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